Sea Adventures of Bob McNeil

McNeil ( Bob McNeil )
Cruizing Stories, Adventure and Advice  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
Robert J. McNeil, MD, United States 
Zephyrus Three Races 
Blast from the Past: Robert McNeil was Zephyrus III’s second owner and raced her regularly, including the Transpac and Los Angeles to Mazatlan races in 1965. Zephyrus III placed second out of 15 in the 1965 Transpac and fourth out of 12 in the L.A. to Mazatlan race.

In 1966 McNeil wrote how he and his sons prepared for the 1966 L.A. to Mazatlan race, calling her “Big Red Z III.”

He explained most of the work on the K-40 was done in advance of the 1965 race. The most interesting anecdote detailed how a decision about having food aboard the K-40 during the 1,000-nautical-mile race.

“We decided, because no one wanted to cook, and we did not want to take the extra weight of a cook and his supplies, we each would cook one day,” McNeil wrote in a leaflet prepared specifically for the race.

“Our wives prepared packaged and frozen complete menus for each day,” he continued. “The idea was great, and it worked pretty well, except when the cook of the day stole from someone else’s supplies because they looked tastier. This made some confusion after the third day but we all ate well. We are all good cooks.”

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